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Privacy & Cookie Policy

When you visit our website, access any of our platforms or contact us, you will be subject to our current Privacy/Cookie Policy. You should review the following text to ensure that you are in agreement with it.

This Privacy/Cookie Policy is intended to help you understand what data we collect and what we do with it. Our Privacy/Cookie Policy explains:

  • what information we collect and why
  • how we use that information
  • the options that we offer, including a way of accessing and updating that information

A. Responsible Party

As the party responsible for processing this data, REWIND FILM SRL, takes users’ privacy very seriously, and promises to do everything in its power to respect it.

For the purposes of this policy, we understand a user as any type of interested party included in this document.

When users visit the website, https://www.rewindfilm.it, at the moment there is not any link for registration or request information, request or employ any of our services, so REWIND FILM SRL can’t handle the personal data of those users.

B. Personal information we handle

We collect personal data in the following ways:

Personal information that you give us (for example, for suppliers or person who contact one of the staff you can find on the website for sending request or cv): when you fill out any of the forms available on any physical form, whether for registration or independent learning, register on and/or access our Platforms, or employ any of our activities, services and programming.

Using cookies and similar technologies: when you visit our website, we use several technologies to collect and store information. This can include the use of cookies or similar technologies to identify your web browser or device. We also use these technologies to collect and store information when you interact with services that we offer (such as paying tuition fees), or other Google functions that may appear on other sites. Google Analytics helps us analyze the traffic to our website and/or applications, when relevant. You can obtain more information about how we handle the personal data that we have collected with cookies in our Cookies Policy.

The aforementioned personal data can be sorted into the following categories:

  • Identifying information: first name, last names, physical address, email, marital status, image.
  • Academic information: dossier, grades, degrees, language competence.
  • Professional information: CV, place of employment, occupation.
  • Information about profiling: interests, hobbies.
  • Connective data identifying data: IP, logs.

C. Purposes of Processing, Legal Grounds for, and Length of Storage for Personal Information

Just as we have mentioned previously, we handle the obtained personal data using several channels. Likewise, the way that we process this personal data is based on the different types of interested parties and is in accordance with distinct purposes:

C.1 Objectives of USER processing on platforms

The personal data obtained through the REWIND FILM SRL platforms will be used for the following objectives:

Handle the requests for information and/or inquiries submitted by the user.

Length of storage: until the time at which the interested party withdraws their consent for the storage of the aforementioned communications.

Legal grounds: The consent implicit in the user’s application and/or inquiry, so that REWIND FILM SRL can handle it.

Length of storage: as long as there exists a contractual and/or business relationship between the user and REWIND FILM SRL. And once terminated, the length of time necessary to comply with applicable legal obligations.

Legal grounds: Execution of the contractual and/or business obligations assumed by the user and REWIND FILM SRL.

In the event that a user submits their resume and/or job application to REWIND FILM SRL, that user’s data will be used to handle the aforementioned application and, when applicable, allow said user to participate in the selection process for a job position at REWIND FILM SRL.

Length of storage: All resumes are destroyed after a period of six months from the completion of the aforementioned selection process; therefore, if a user wishes to continue being part of the REWIND FILM SRL database, they should resubmit their resume once the aforementioned time period has elapsed.

Legal grounds: The consent implicit in the user’s submission of their resume and/or job application.

C.2 Objective of COLLABORATOR /SUPPLIER processing.

To manage the assignment established in the contract, including the planning of activities and the administration of payments and other relevant benefits for the collaborator/supplier.

Length of storage: as long as there exists a contractual and/or business relationship between the collaborator/supplier and REWIND FILM SRL. And once terminated, the length of time necessary to comply with applicable legal obligations.

Legal grounds: Execution of the contractual and/or business obligations assumed by the collaborator/supplier and REWIND FILM SRL.

D. Recipients

In accordance with the foreseen processing objectives indicated in the previous point, the personal contact information of the platforms users will be communicated to the collaborating companies of REWIND FILM SRL, always with explicit user consent for such purposes. Information about the companies collaborating with REWIND FILM SRL can be requested by email: info@rewindfilm.it

E. Rights

The interested parties can exercise the following rights related to their personal data before REWIND FILM SRL: access; rectification; suppression; processing limitation; portability of data and deletion.

Likewise, throughout the processing of the interested party’s data, the standing of which is based in the consent given by the interested party, the interested party has the right to withdraw the aforementioned consent at any time without it affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent given prior to its withdrawal.

To exercise such rights, the interested party can send an application with a copy of their passport ID or another valid, identifying document attached, to REWIND FILM SRL, Via Sergio Forti, 35 00144 Rome – Italy; or to the following e-mail address: info@rewindfilm.it

We may revise this Privacy Policy when suitable and publish the most updated version in our website. We will inform you in the event that your rights are significantly affected as a result of a revision.

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